How Can I Tell If I Need New Shocks For My Vehicle?

When trying to determine if our customers in the greater Fairfield area need new shocks, our automotive shock specialists tell them that if possible follow these four simple steps:

  1. Position one's self to a corner of the vehicle and directly above a wheel.
  2. With firm gestures, push down on the body of the vehicle and bounce the vehicle up and down 3 to 4 times
  3. When releasing the vehicle observe the reaction. When the bouncing ceases within one rise and fall after stopping the shocks are working properly. When the vehicle continues to bounce repeatedly the shocks are more than likely worn.
  4. Danco Transmission & Auto Care suggests that the shocks be inspected with a flashlight. The wheels may need to be turned to provide access when kneeled down to see them. Using the flashlight one should inspect the shocks to see if liquid is present. If liquid is present it may indicate that hydraulic fluid is leaking through faulty seals and most likely needs to be replaced.